3. June 2023, 3.30 – 4.00pm
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
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3. June 2023, 1.30 – 3.30pm
The panel is devoted to a reevaluation of key works of Expressionism. Building upon the multifaceted interpretive possibilities of an autonomous art movement beyond naturalism, selected works by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Erich Heckel are reexamined from an interdisciplinary perspective, opening them up to current arenas of discourse. The individual contributions are guided by the concept of artistic transgression, to which the members of the Brücke were committed in terms of blurring the boundaries between artistic genres. Through the dialogue of panel paintings and murals, serial graphics and poetry, painting, dance, gesture, and performance, the creative processes that serve as a timeless affirmation to keep Expressionism alive to this day will be unveiled.
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
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3. June 2023, 10.30am – 12.30pm
The panel puts a spotlight on shifts in perspective, the embrace of cultural studies approaches, and the deconstruction of popular narratives that have injected significant dynamism into international expressionism research in recent years. Through critical examination of previously unknown sources, analysis of newly gathered data on provenance and collection history, and exploration of the cultural policy framework within Western museum institutions, the presentations traverse a broad spectrum. They range from reevaluating the artistic assimilation of non-European cultural heritage in the works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff to examining the reception of German expressionism in the United States and France.
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
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3. June 2023, 10.00 – 10.30am
10–10.30 am
Question of the Day: Old questions asked in a new way (DE)
Christiane Remm (Karl und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff Stiftung) in conversation with
Lisa Marei Schmidt (Brücke-Museum)
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
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2. June 2023, 4.30 – 6.30pm
The panel Nationale Expressionismen focuses on the intersections between German Expressionism, national reform efforts, and National Socialist ideology. It examines the connections between expressionist form and “völkisch” content through the discussion of works that were perceived to be “genuinely German” at the time, illustrating the instrumentalisation of art through nationalist interpretations. The panel also discusses the artists’ decision to choose either stylistic change or stylistic continuity in response to political developments and ruptures, particularly after 1945.
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
-> To the Livestream
2. June 2023, 1.30 – 4.00pm
The following workshop is held on-site and will be streamed online. The participation of this hybrid Workshop is possible via Zoom. Due to the limited number of participants, we kindly ask you register in advance >here<.
2. June 2023, 10.00am – 12.30pm
This panel will explore the dissemination, reception, and transformation of German expressionism on the European periphery and outside of Europe. Specific focus will be on the intellectual ideas and artistic concepts that were associated with expressionism and incorporated into modernist and contemporary western and non-Western art practices. Examining the spread of expressionism to various local communities, peripheral regions, and non-Western art contexts, this panel will highlight the complex political, social, and cultural dimensions in the reception of expressionism and provide new insights into the role that expressionism as an artistic language played in political activism, alternative cultures, and the ongoing anti-colonial debates.
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
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2. June 2023, 9.00 – 10.00am
Dr. Natasha A. Kelly: Black Expressions: „Milli“, Nelly und Sam and Dr. Julia Friedrich: Bild und Gegenbild. Otto Mueller und Peter Nestler im Museum Ludwig, Köln
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
-> To the Livestream
1. June 2023, 6.30 – 7.30pm
6:30 pm
Opening Remarks (DE)
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
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1. June 2023, 6.00 – 6.30pm
6 pm
Welcome (DE)
Lisa Marei Schmidt (Brücke-Museum)
Dr. Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy (Franz Dieter und Michaela Kaldewei Kulturstiftung)
This is a closed event with a limited number of participants. The event will be digitally broadcast live.
-> To the Livestream
20. October 2022, 6.00pm
Related Exhibition: How to Brücke-Museum: A Look behind the Scenes
With Christine Gerbich (Sociologist and Museum Scientist, Berlin) and Alina Gromova (Head of Collections and Exhibitions, Foundation New Synagogue Berlin - Centrum Judaicum), moderated by Daniela Bystron (Curator of Outreach, Brücke Museum).
The event will also be streamed live online: Livestream
Public events are included in the admission fee. Pre-registration is not necessary.