Bussardsteig 9
14195 Berlin
T: +49 (0)30 8390 0860
F: +49 (0)30 8390 0861
Lisa Marei Schmidt
Responsibility in accordance with section 6 of the Remote Services Statute (TDG):
Lisa Marei Schmidt
Barbara Jerusalem
Daniela Bystron
Editing assistance:
Isabel Fischer
Franziska Achatzi
Irene Bretscher
Daniela Bystron
Isabel Fischer
Nora Hogrefe
Christiane Remm
Katrina Schulz
Photography website:
Nick Ash
Anika Büssemeier
Roman März
Digitisation Collection Online:
Nick Ash
Jeremy Gaines
Honor Westmacott
Art Direction & Design:
Julia Born
Laurenz Brunner
Design Website and Collection Online:
Julia Born
Julia Novitch
Coordination Collection Online 2018:
Jennifer Rasch
Data curation Collection Online:
Michael Höppe
Restoration Collection Online:
Felicitas Klein
Source Type
The Collection Online is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin and supported by the Research and Competence Center Digitalization Berlin (digiS).
Liability for linked pages
In spite of careful selection of this site’s content, we are unable to accept any liability for the content of external links. The relevant provider or operator of the site will always be responsible for the content of the linked pages. These linked pages were checked for any possible legal infringements at the time the link was created, and no unlawful content was evident at that point in time. Nevertheless, it is not possible to constantly monitor the linked pages without a specific indication of a violation of the law. If we become aware of any legal infringement we will remove such links immediately.
The operators of this site have made every effort to always observe the copyrights held by others and/or to use content they have produced themselves and royalty-free works. The content produced by the website operators and the works on these pages are subject to German copyright. Contributions from third parties are labelled as such. Any reproduction, processing, dissemination or exploitation outside of the limitations of copyright will require the written authorisation of the relevant author or producer. Downloads and copies of this site are permitted for private, non-commercial use only. For works of the Online Collection, the respective rights of use are indicated separately for each work.