
Karl und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff Stiftung

Photograph in black and white, Emy Schmidt-Rotluff (left) and Karl Schmitt-Rottluff (right) looking into the camera, in the background a painting by Karl Schmitt-Rottluff

Emy and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, 1970s, photo: Hans Kinkel

In accordance with his will, the estate of Brücke artist Karl Schmidt-Rottluff was passed onto the non-profit foundation Karl und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff Stiftung upon his death. The artistic patrimony comprises eighty-seven paintings and over a thousand sculptural and applied artworks and works on paper, as well as paintings by other artists such as Erich Heckel and Emil Nolde. Additionally, the collection includes ethnographic objects, letters, books and other archival documents which the artist owned.

Expressionist painting, still life, green-blue sculpture, yellow plant, green cactus, two blue rectangles against a red background

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Still life with stone sculpture, 1960, Karl und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff Stiftung © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019 

The Karl und Emy Schmidt-Rottluff Stiftung supports the work of Brücke-Museum on various levels. The revenue from the foundation’s assets facilitates publishing and the acquisition of additional artworks to appropriately complement the museum’s collection. The foundation also supports research into Schmidt-Rottluff and his Brücke art by providing academic guidance and information on the artist’s life and work, offering access to archival documents and maintaining an inventory for Schmidt-Rottluff’s oeuvre.

The Foundation’s Board of Trustees corresponds to the Executive Board pursuant to sections 26 and 86 of the German Civil Code (BGB):

Gerold Dahl (Deutsche Bank AG)
Thomas Erb (Business Economist)
Dr. Christine Regus (Head of Division for Monuments, Museums and Fine Art, Senate Department for Culture and Europe)
Lisa Marei Schmidt (Director of Brücke-Museum)

Executive management: Thomas Erb
Curator: Christiane Remm