
Erich Heckel


Im Atelier

Material / Technique
Blattmaß 34 × 43,8 cm
Rahmenmaß 66,7 × 86,7 × 3,2 cm
Related Digital Projects
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Acquisition details
Erworben 1994 als Schenkung aus dem Nachlass Erich Heckel, aus Mitteln der Stiftung DKLB
Erich Heckel, Im Atelier, 1911, Bleistift auf Papier, Brücke-Museum, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020

Exhibitions (selection)

  • German Expressionism. The Artist Group Brücke and the Beginning of Modernism, 2024/25, Moderna Museet, Stockholm

  • Die Brücke 1905–1914, 2018/19, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden

Literature (selection)

  • Erich Heckel. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Graphik aus 50 Schaffensjahren, Ausst.-Kat. Städtisches Kunstmuseum, Duisburg, Städtisches Kunstmuseum, Duisburg 1957.

  • Erich Heckel. Zur Vollendung des 80. Lebensjahrzehntes, Ausst.-Kat. Museum Folkwang, Essen, Essen 1963.

  • Felix Zdenek (Hg.), Erich Heckel. 1883 - 1970. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen und Graphik, Ausst.-Kat. Museum Folkwang Essen/Haus der Kunst München, Prestel, München 1983.

  • Magdalena M. Moeller, Erich Heckel. Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik aus dem Brücke-Museum Berlin, Hirmer Verlag, München 1991.

  • Magdalena M. Moeller (Hg.), Die Brücke. Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, Druckgraphik, Hatje, Stuttgart 1992.

  • Magdalena M. Moeller (Hg.), Erich Heckel. Meisterwerke des Expressionismus. Aquarelle und Zeichnungen aus der Sammlung des Brücke-Museums Berlin, Ausst.-Kat. Brücke-Museum Berlin/Kunsthalle zu Kiel/Ulmer Museum/Galerie Jahrhunderthalle Hoechst/Gustav-Lübke-Museum Hamm, Hirmer Verlag, München 1999.

  • Birgit Dalbajewa, Ulrich Bischoff (Hg.), Die Brücke in Dresden 1905-1911, Ausst.-Kat. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Galerie Neue Meister/Dresdner Schloss, Verlag Walther König, Köln 2001.

  • Magdalena M. Moeller (Hg.), „Unmittelbar und unverfälscht“. Aquarelle, Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik der „Brücke“ aus dem Brücke-Museum Berlin, Ausst.-Kat. Kunstforum der Berliner Volksbank, Hirmer Verlag, München 2003.

  • Iris Müller-Westermann (Hg.), German Expressionism. The Artist Group Brücke an the Beginnings of Modernism, Ausst.-Kat. Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Hirmer Verlag, München 2024.


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Inventory Number


Erich Heckel
Im Atelier (In the Studio)

For the Brücke artists, the studio was more than just a place for creation; it was where artists worked and lived, got together with friends, and celebrated. Studios were most often located on the attic floor of apartment buildings, especially in Berlin. Living and spending the night in these spaces was, in fact, forbidden—a rule they disregarded. The studio came to emblematise their anti-bourgeois lifestyle, which was further reflected in the decor. The artists gave the often cramped and meagre spaces their own personal touches. They furnished them with paintings, textiles, and furniture they had made themselves. They painted large sections of the walls and mounted non-European art from their own collections—as seen in the drawing Im Atelier (In the Studio) by Erich Heckel.

Images from the artists’ studios reveal more than sources of inspiration and traces of artistic processes; they tell us about their lives, their everyday. Sometimes empty wine bottles show up in the background, sometimes there is a friendly game of chess, and sometimes our attention is drawn to an intimate moment in which a woman rests on a sofa to recover from the exertions of modelling.

(Christele ) Interview Intimacy
(Brücke-Museum )
About the Work
(Sonja Eismann )
(Athena ) Being watched
(Athena ) Submissive
(Christele ) Power
(Josephine ) Uneasiness
(Lotte ) Reflect
(Sam ) Interspace