16. June 2024, 2.00 – 3.30pm
In search of connections and points of contact with Hanna Bekker vom Rath’s fearless commitment, four exiled authors from the Weiter Schreiben project reflect on the possibilities of poetic-artistic resistance against patriarchal violence and oppression today. The reading performances by Dima Albitar Kalaji, Sveta Ben, Rasha Habbal and Mazda Mehrgan will be accompanied by the musicians Bahila Hijazi and Louay Kanawati as well as the visual artist Marwa Younes Almokbel. Author Annika Reich and Weiter Schreiben project manager Lama Al Haddad will present the texts, which will be read in their original Arabic, Belarusian and Persian, in German translation.

5. May 2024, 3.00 – 4.00pm
Related Exhibition: Hanna Bekker vom Rath. A Rebel for Modern Art
With Christiane Rösinger (author, musician, and theatre director), moderated by Sonja Eismann (editor, Missy Magazine)
This event takes place as part of the programme of the Museum Sunday. Pre-registration is not required. Participation is free of charge.