With Traces (Kathrin Köster, Daniel Kupferberg, Marei Loellmann, Carolin Seeliger and Lee Stevens)
1.00 – 4.00pm
How is weaving done? And what are warp and weft threads? Materials and sketches are used to illustrate knitting in the mediation space. An experimental weaving station by the artist group traces invites visitors to weave collectively and is intended to grow over the course of the exhibition. The collective invites visitors to engage with the weaving frame together on two specific dates.
traces is an experimental platform within which Kathrin Köster, Daniel Kupferberg, Marei Loellmann, Carolin Seeliger and Lee Stevens interweave their individual artistic practices and explore collaborative weaving as a method of collective working. In site-specific situations, they create installative spaces that emerge from a common action and refer to the respective process rather than authorship.
Public events are free with a museum ticket. Advance registration is not necessary. Meeting point: Mediation space in the exhibition.