Accompanying film programme at Sinema Transtopia:
Inscriptions of Violence
Film programme by Sinema Transtopia to accompany the exhibition The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time. Artistic Testimonies of War and Repression – a cooperation between the Brücke-Museum and the Schinkel Pavillon.
Wiederbegegnungen mit einem Film: Nuit et Brouillard (Nacht und Nebel), Alain Resnais, F 1956
No other film was as influential in raising awareness about the extent of the German concentration camp system as Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog) by Alain Resnais. Part of the peculiarity of its reception in Germany is that, in addition to the West German version that has become canonical, there exist two GDR versions, a reminder that conflicting memory policies were and are part of German history. The constellation of films curated by Tobias Hering makes comparison possible: In the hall, the original version of Nuit et Brouillard can be seen; in the foyer, all three German language versions can be compared in text and image.
This film programme explores how artists and filmmakers consider the (im)possibilities of translating violence through moving image. Curated by Popo Fan, Sarnt Utamachote, Tobias Hering as a part of Berlin Art Week.
15 September, 4 pm / 16. September, 6 pm / 17. September, 2 pm
Supported by Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.
13347 BERLIN