Workshop, Guided tour, Discussion, Children & Family, Waldraum
Museum Sunday
11.00am – 5.00pm
Join us with friends and families to our next Museum Sunday!
11:30 am–noon
Who? How? What?
Short guided tour through the exhibition How to Brücke-Museum. A Look behind the Scenes
With Dalila Daut (museologist/mediator)
Location: Foyer/exhibition room
in German
noon–4.00 pm
Drop-in workshop: Figures of the Museum
With Carla Schliephack and Marcos García Pérez (artists/art mediators)
Location: Forest Room (in the garden)
For children, young people and adults
Location: Waldraum (in the museum’s garden)
in German
Table Talk: Digitalisation *POSTPONED*
With Isabel Fischer (Project Manager Digital Transformation, Brücke Museum) and Clara Westendorff (Museologist, TU Berlin)
Location: Exhibition room
in German
1:30 pm–2.00 pm
Who? How? What?
Short guided tour through the exhibition How to Brücke-Museum. A Look behind the Scenes
With Dalila Daut (museologist/mediator)
Location: Foyer
in German
2.00 pm
Table Talk: Communicate *POSTPONED*
With Daniela Bystron (Curator of Outreach, Brücke Museum) and Susan Kamel (Professor of Museology, HTW Berlin)
Location: Exhibition room
in German
3.00–5.00 pm
Writing workshop: Image–Anagram–List Poem
With Marwa Younes Almokbel, Sandra Burkhardt and Miriam Rainer (members of the Arab-German literature and translation collective Wiese)
For young people and adults
Location: Exhibition room
in German
Alternate dates for the table discussions will be announced soon.
Admission is free. Booking a time slot ticket is not required. To participate in the events, please register on-site.