Based on Gabriel Rossell Santillán’s twenty years of working with the Wirrarika community in the North of Mexico and researching 600 Wirrarika works that were displaced to the Ethnological Museum of Berlin at the beginning of the 20th
century. His performance Libreria de Tuapurie challenges the colonial library model. The reading begins with the story
of the book Ofrendas (Offerings), commissioned to the artist by the community elders. The book is conceived only for the Wirraka community.
Please note: Participation in the tour is only possible with complete vaccination protection or proof of convalescent status + a booster vaccination or rapid test (no self-test). The current distance and hygiene regulations apply, as well as a general FFP2 mask requirement.
The event will take place in the Transition Exhibition at Kunsthaus Dahlem and does not require prior registration. However, due to visitor numbers restrictions, there may be waiting times.