POSTPONED // Architecture in Motion [German, English]
Workshop with Anna Till (dancer)
How are architecture and the body connected? How does the body react to the built environment? How do I perceive architecture with my senses and my body? In what way does the design of a space alter my movements? Which postures do I adopt, which positions and physical impulses seem inappropriate or impossible? The focus of this workshop is the physical experience of space in Werner Düttmann’s constructions. Choreographic approaches will be developed in dialogue with the architecture. Dance will thus establish a new relationship between the body, movement, and architecture.
Anna Till (*1983) lives and works as a freelance choreographer and dancer in Dresden. She studied dance, context, and choreography at the HZT— Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum für Tanz (Inter-University Centre for Dance) in Berlin and applied cultural studies in Lüneburg. She develops stage performances in changing collaborations with artists of various genres under the label situation productions. Her projects are supported by numerous partner institutions and presented nationally and internationally. She leads art education formats for children and young people as well as seminars and workshops at several universities. She worked most recently as an artistic employee at the HZT Berlin. She is a member of the coordination team of TanzNetzDresden, a platform for artists in the performing arts in Dresden, and a founding member of the Villa Wigman für TANZ.
This event will be postponed, we will inform you in time about a new date.
Due to the limited number of participants, we kindly ask you to register for this event. You can register online on the exhibition website two weeks before the event.